Tides, Taxes and New Tactics Report
The Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC) has released their final report Tides Taxes and New Tactics: Adaptation Planning for the Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge . rbouvier consulting worked with SMPDC and GEI Consultants to review the impacts of sea level rise on the three Southern Maine towns of Kennebunk, York, and Wells. Rbouvier consulting assessed the economic and social impacts for each town and the people who reside there.
The results were presented to each town in a series of three virtual workshops. After the presentation attendees were then able to make suggestions on ways to mitigate some of the impacts, and how they’d like to see those efforts prioritized.
Assessments such as this provide towns and residents with the information they need to be better able to plan for, and potentially mitigate, the impacts of sea level rise.